Notepads are an absolutely essential tool in the office for memos and notes, and can be used to market your business with a personal touch.
You want people reading your contact information over and over, right? Custom-printed notepads do just that. Handing out a notepad at a trade show, or at your next meeting creates a chance your message will be on someone's desk for months. Your company will be the first thing a person sees when reaching for a piece of paper.
Memo pads last a long time and are very functional. They keep making a good impression, again and again. Matching office stationery like notepads to company letterheads and envelopes demonstrates your level of big-picture thinking as well as care for detail.
Sprint Print can help you create a memo or notepad of any size and whatever sheet quantity. Pages per pad range from 25 to 100 or more and are glued with chipboard backing. Our uncoated 70# stock is very popular because of its writing ease, but many options are available.